Life Efficiency Hacks 
​for Mamas


Get relief from the constant overwhelm with ​​simple, sustainable household systems.



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Managing a growing family is the most important job in the world. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you’ve taken on the amazing task of creating a family.

You should be applauded. 

But the reality of running a family is often overwhelming, exhausting and frustrating.  

Are you drowning under the weight of your never-ending To Do lists? Constantly pulled between your work, your home, and your children, all demanding your time and attention. Do you find yourself wondering, does every mom feel this way? 

Is there anybody who has figured out this crazy juggling act? 

The answer is yes. 

There is a way to be a mother, and also have a joyful life, meaningful work, a peaceful home and hours in the day left over to enjoy your family. 

 Ready to create change right this minute?

Download this guide to save an hour a day in just 3 simple steps!

* indicates required

“I went from an exhausted mom to an empowered mom.
​This program is a life changer!” 


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 Create your ideal motherhood experience
​and ​enjoy this incredible and

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Get back at least 50% of 
your time on daily tasks


​Improve your relationships with
​your partner and kiddos


​Unleash that fun and cool
​woman inside of you!


Say goodbye to the 
​constant overwhelm


​Be present for your
​kids’ childhoods


​Spend more quality time
​with your family


Design simple, repeatable, 
​sustainable household systems


​Regain confidence in yourself
​as a mama and woman


​Create capacity to prioritize
​yourself without the guilt



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Watch the videos and do the coursework at your own time and pace ​

Meet with me on our weekly coaching calls and receive customized support

​Manage your daily household tasks in 50% less time and with more ease​a


I spent years feeling like a total failure at motherhood.​

I was the primary breadwinner in my home, working full-time as a nurse, I was struggling to keep up with the basics of cooking and cleaning and caring for two children, much less spending any time with husband, much less enjoying my life AT ALL. I went to bed every night exhausted, regretful for how I was showing up as a mom and wife and tried to convince myself it would get better the next day. But I woke up to the same never-ending to-do list and demands.

Self-care? Forget about it!  Sleep? Ha!
Calm? Out of the question. Patience? No time for that.

At the time I was a certified Lean Expert teaching the Lean Process to nurses and doctors to help them build systems to get more done in less time and get this….with more ease and happier patients! One day I realized that running a nursing unit wasn’t that different from running a why wasn’t I using the Lean Process as a mother? 

Two years later and I’m running my own business and managing my home without feeling like I’m drowning or frustrated all the time. And here is the best part... I’m pregnant with my third child, something I told myself would never happen because I couldn’t bring another child into my crazy unmanageable life and maintain my sanity.

Now, my mission is to help you take back your motherhood experience with the joy and ease that I know is possible for you. 


What you get 


A robust efficiency toolkit that is used by thousands of successful businesses around the world.


Everything you need to create time-saving hacks for your daily routines.

Direct support from Sarah Cheek, an expert in Lean Efficiency for organizations and families.


A community of mothers to help support you in reclaiming your time and peace of mind.

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Reduce the time you spend on a frustrating issue by 50% or your money back!

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 Seven modules will give you everything you need to go from overwhelmed to...

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1. Behind the Scenes of Lean
2. 8 Wastes Hijacking Life
3. Creating Your Map
4. The Lean Formula Part I

5. The Lean Formula Part II
6. Your Pathway to Success
7. ​Troubleshooting Issues


Plus these transformative tools!

  • Life Hacks Kit 

  • 30 Minute Kickstart Call 1:1 with Sarah 

  • Six weeks of weekly group coaching calls with Sarah

  • Exclusive Access to Members Only Facebook Support Group!

  • Q&A Portal – A space to get all your questions answered outside of the coaching calls

  • BONUS #1 Declutter in 5 minutes or Less Guide

  • ​BONUS #2​​ ​Routine Boards – Improving Family Communication


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“Sarah made it easy for me to create a system that made sense for my life and resolved my daily struggles.”


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When you stop reading this, are you going to just go back to your endless list of to-dos that leave you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected? 

Normal “motherhood” has started to mean running yourself ragged trying to get everything done while also being fully engaged with your kids, and putting time and energy into your marriage, and cooking healthy meals, and keeping up with your friends, and putting on a happy face on social media.

So many women are trading their health and joy and sleep away and are left feeling depleted, resentful, and alone.

​But it doesn’t have to be that way.



+ What is Lean?

Lean is a method used by thousands of companies all over the world to create successful, high quality, and efficient products and services. This is accomplished by eliminating waste and redundancies resulting in satisfied customers, fulfilled employees, and a thriving business. Lean allows you to create a win, win, win, for all involved!

+ How does Lean relate to me?

The same principles used by these thriving companies can be applied to your personal and professional life. The tools are easily transferrable and adaptable to solving problems in any area of your life. By removing the waste and inefficiencies around the problematic areas of your life, you can create more time and experience a much higher quality of life; more quality time with family, more patience with your kids and partner, time for yourself, less stress, more date nights.

+ How does the course work?

It’s a 6-week course with weekly video modules, discovery work and a group coaching call to support you every step of the way. The first week you will select the issue or problem area of your life that is sucking the life out of you and you want to spend less time doing. The remainder of the weeks will be spent learning and applying the Lean Formula and tools for building a new system around that issue.

+ What will I leave the course with?

Not only will you have a streamlined new and easier way of completing the task, but you will spend at least 50% less time and energy on it. And, here is the biggest asset… you’ll leave with an entirely new efficiency toolkit in your back pocket to use for the rest of your life in ANY area of your life. There is always something to improve, and this toolkit is a gift that keeps on giving.

+ What are some examples of issues people choose to work on during the program?

Everything negatively impacting their personal or professional lives. Here are a few: Meal planning, Clutter zone mgt, Laundry, House cleaning, Routines (AM/PM), Mail/Bill Mgt, Email Mgt, Getting home from work on time, Improving grades.

+ What happens on the calls each week?

The calls are an open forum for you to ask a Lean expert any question regarding what you are learning and applying. In response to the questions, live tutorials will be provided. Besides getting your questions answered, you’ll also get ideas and inspiration from Mamas just like you.

+ How much time is required to successfully complete the course?

Each weeks video is about 30 minutes. The prep work averages to about 30 minutes a week and the calls are each 1 hour. The videos can be viewed or listened to at your convenience. So the total time required is about 2 hours a week.

+ What if I miss a call?

No worries. All calls will be recorded and accessible via your course portal.

+ What if I have a question that can’t wait for the call?

You have access to 24/7 email support with our Lean Expert throughout the 6 weeks.

+ Is there a guarantee?

Yes! We guarantee that you’ll spend at least 50% less time on the issue you select (assuming it is one that can be timed) or you will get your money back. You must watch all videos, submit prep work, attend the calls, ask questions, and do the work.

+ What if my issue can’t be fixed?

We will ensure that you have an appropriately scoped issue selected at the beginning of the course assuring it can be fixed.


I invite you to change the course of your family's future today.  
